Chicago Bronze Donors
Thank You to Our Patrons!
It takes a lot of equipment to play in a handbell group. We’re grateful to our patrons through the years who have enabled us to expand our holdings and continue to explore new sounds.
William Barrett*
Estate of Barbara Barrett
Thomas and Myrla Brand
Lynnette Brent*
Eric and Denise Caliendo
Lisa Clary*
Julia Davids
Karen Eickemeyer*
Sydney Evans
George and Meryl Franck
George and Kathleen Gentes
Lois Gotha
Jeff and Jayne Griese
Mary Grittani
Tom and Jackie Hair
David Haley and Michele Harbeck Haley
David and Andrea Handley
Roy and Diana Hansen
Patricia Hawkins
Dennis and Rosemary Heffner
Jean Hersey
Sue Hilderbrand
Victoria Holland
Sharon Hosick*
*In memory of Barbara Barret
Jack and Beth Hult
Phil Roberts and Terri Johnson
Glen Kissel*
Kevin and Anne Kivikko
Pat Knoo
Lawrence & Pat Konn**
Cynthia Kraft
Jerry and Sue Lefton
Carl Lubicz & Karen Banks Lubicz
Linda Lunt*
Steven and Kim Mayer
Nancy McKillop
Glena & Kenneth Merwin
Kathy Murray
Laura Olsen
Robert Olsen
Bob and Shirley Pruyn
Tom and Jocelyn Purtell
Carol Rechtoris
Tom and Cynthia Seputis
MaryJo Slifka
Estate of Esther Swanson
Kay Williams
Estate of Dana Wood
Linda Zimmerman
**In memory of Carol Vallow,
Tom Brand’s sister
Patron Levels
Conductor’s Circle: $5000+
Bronze Patron: $2500-$4999
Carillon Society: $1000-$2499
Bell Benefactor: $500-$999
Chime Colleague: $250-$499
Ringing Partner: $100-$249
Musical Friend: $10-$99
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